ETC – EFNMS Training Committee
Committee members

ETC Vision
Excellent maintenance education and training on manager, supervisor and technician levels in all European countries.
ETC Mission
To support, develop and promote maintenance education and training on all levels in all European countries.
By creating Core Degree Profile’s of the Maintenance Manager, Maintenance Engineer and Maintenance Specialist/Technician realise the transition and alignment between examination for certifications and education by training programs.
Purpose of the ETC is the realisation of their vison and mission by executing the strategy to realise the goals with the next planning:
- Set up the educational framework based on Long Life Learning procedures EU. Main goal: Harmonize Differences by using educational regulations EU and educational programs
- Harmonize system boundaries ECC and ETC. Main goal: create educational profiles for EFNMS societies and universities to realise one educational language
- ETC proposal framework partible for each EFNMS society. Main goal: acceptable (business) model with respect to nations goals/intrest based on societies support
- Implementation and execution. Main goal: Alignment ECC certification framework and execution ETC program based on a Core Degree Profiles
- Future Competence Challenges related to Maintenance and Asset Management (EFNMS ETC 1999)
- Maintenance – Qualification of Maintenance personnel. Technical report, CEN 15628 (CEN 2007)
- The Guide to Maintenance Management. EuroMaint: European Maintenance Management – Competencies, education and best practices in European perspective. A Leonardo da Vinci Project (Hoogeschool Utrecht, EFNMS ETC 2008)
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