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Maintenance In The Grip Of Time And Knowledge
April 15, 2019 - April 18, 2019
XXXI. International Maintenance Conference,
15-16. April 2019, Veszprém, Hungary
Environmental effects that elicit to organize the conference:
• if Hungary wants to come abreast of developed Europe it is vital to know international experience from all fields,
• regarding competitiveness international experiences and practices are important,
• challenges towards maintenance are intensifying, conditions are getting harder,
• the role switching of maintenance in the reindustrialisation period.
The aim of the conference is to:
• review national and international results and experience of maintenance management,
• help implementing research results into practice,
• facilitate participants’ professional networking,
• demonstrate and display maintenance supporting new software and assets,
• presenting maintenance as a value creating process,
• introducing best practices, benchmarking.
Professional themes of the conference:
• implementation and operation of reliability centered maintenance
• educational circumstances of maintenance profession
• maintenance aspect of sustainability, maintenance consequences of Industry 4.0
• information technologies in maintenance
• the maintenance conditions of high-tech production (WCM) based on OEE values
• quality assurance and excellence in maintenance
• LEAN and maintenance, innovative solutions in maintenance
• tribological systems and their maintenance
• means of transportation maintenance specialty
• a TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) as an engine of change
• benchmarking in maintenance
• organizational development in maintenance
• case studies in maintenance
Who is it for?
The symposium would like to help manager directors and professionals at organizational units (shop-floor maintenance, production management, investment, project management, informatics, controlling and knowledge transfer) who are involved in managing fixed asset streamlining.
As a results of the conference positive outcomes in the following competences are expected: competitiveness, value creating thinking, reliability, preciseness, loadability, environment conscious thinking, information processing and strategic thinking skills.
In accordance with the conference aim apart from Hungarian speakers internationally recognized academics and practicing professionals are invited to present.
Preliminary program:
15 April 2019.
10.00 Opening ceremony
10.10 Plenary speeches
13.00 Lunch
14.00-17.30 Sessions, debate, discussion
19.00 Gala dinner, stein initiation ceremony,
cultural program,
award ceremonies, sense perception.
16 April 2019.
9.00 Sessions, debate, discussion
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Plant visit (optional)
14.30 English language session
17.00 Closing
Information about the conference is continuously available at our website: http://nkk.gtk.uni-pannon.hu
The presentations and papers are published in the conference proceeding that the participants will receive beforehand. Language of the conference: Hungarian, English and German. Interpretation of the presentations will be provided.
Conference fee: 300 Euro +VAT, which includes the organization, proceeding, interpretation, cultural programs and coffee breaks. Meal is 50 Euro + VAT (which includes 15 April: lunch, gala dinner; 16 April lunch)
Accommodation opportunities:
single or double/twin rooms in Gizella Hotel, Oliva Hotel, ÉLL? Pension.
There are two premium category hotels with fewer room capacities:
Villa Medici, Veszprém, Kittenberger Kálmán u. 11. www.villamedici.hu
Betekints Hotel, Veszprém, Veszprémvölgyi u. 4. www.betekints.hu
Deadline of application: 31 March 2019.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact:
Szentes Balázs, teacher of economics (Tel: +36-20-373-0225) szentes.balazs@gtk.uni-pannon.hu
Organizing committee:
Balázs Szentes
Lajos Magyar
Zsolt Nyeste
Csaba Sóti
for participating companies/organizations.
The Organizing Committee can provide the following services:
• exhibition spots at the air-conditioned university’s hall (exhibition takes place between
16 April 10.00-18.00,
17 April 8.00-17.00
18 April 9.00-13.00
• appropriate conditions to exhibit (desk, chair, screen, socket etc.)
• place leaflets, brochures, advertisement provided by the companies/institutions into the conference bag
Exhibition package fee: 200 Euro + VAT
For further information please contact:
Balázs Szentes
Tel: +36-20-373-0225