EAMC – European Asset Management Committee

Committee members:

Listen to us: EFNMS EAMC podcast
The Background
Asset Management offers a holistic view on the engineering (physical) assets of a company. Asset Management approach, methodologies and methods aim to match the changing business requirements with the life cycle characteristics of the engineering assets in an optimal way. Asset Management concept covers the whole life cycle of an item from design, acquisition and commissioning to maintenance, renewal and modernization, and finally to disposal. Asset Management methodologies also contribute to the sustainability development and support the endeavors towards circular economy and resource-efficiency. EFNMS Asset Management Committee was founded in 2007 to develop Asset Management concept and to boost the introduction of the concept in all organizations that apply engineering assets.
Complement the EFNMS association and its membership with world-class asset management expertise.
We invite all our member societies to participate in the activities of EAMC with development, engagement, collaboration, promotion, influencing and encouraging of improvement physical asset management in a changing sustainable world.

Invitation to participate
We invite all our member societies to participate in our activities of EAMC.
Business Plan
- Promote physical asset management and contribution maintenance makes to it
- Encourage and engaging national societies to actively participate in the development of physical asset management
- Developing guidelines for members of national maintenance societies to follow good practices in physical asset management
- Encourage national societies to define competencies and training programs for physical asset management
EFMNS Members
Conceptual process
Standards and specifications
Marketing Plan
Branding of EFNMS with respect to Asset Management
- Committee Membership
Additional people from societies - Critical Success Factors / Strategic Drivers
(under the process of development) - Justification / Arguments?
Special topic in Trondheim GA meeting
What is Asset Management
The systematic and coordinated managerial decisions, activities and practices through which a company identifies existing and potential strategic engineering assets against business requirements, successfully manages them and their associated performance, output, risks and expenditures over their life cycle, for the purpose of achieving the company’s strategic objectives. This is valid for all systems producing goods and services.
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