Measure your maintenance and reliability performance using predefined indicators. The Global Maintenance and Reliability Indicators reference book containing 29 metrics/indicators is currently under review by maintenance and reliability professionals from the two organizations: The… read more →
We would like to thank Wout and his team for introducing an EFNMS YouTube channel. If you have a EFNMS movie which could be uploaded please contact us: efnms.newsletter(at) Please find… read more →
The new President of APMI is Professor José Sobral from the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ISEL) It is with great pleasure that the Portuguese Association of Industrial Maintenance (APMI) is… read more →
The Portuguese Association of Industrial Maintenance (APMI) promoted on 22nd and 23th November in the city of Porto the “Maintenance Days 2018” (“Jornadas de Manutenção 2018”, in Portuguese) joining almost… read more →
The Portuguese Association of Industrial Maintenance (APMI) has new facilities in the centre of the city of Lisbon, with a magnificent view and wonderful conditions to host meetings and other… read more →
Exposure to dangerous substances is much more common in Europe’s workplaces than most people imagine. Dangerous substances at work can cause a wide range of health problems and diseases, as… read more →
BEMAS and the team from Euromaintenance4.0 would like to thank all 1187 attendees for their contribution. “It was a pleasure to have you at Europe’s biggest and most successful maintenance conference… read more →
Unique Collaboration within EuroMaintenance 2021 started! The most important trade fair for industrial maintenance of the Benelux and Europe’s largest maintenance conference will be held together. This is an initiative… read more →
The Master Thesis Award (MTA) and Ph.D. Thesis Award (PTA) are granted biennially by the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS) and the Salvetti Foundation. The objective of these awards is to… read more →
Marc de Kerf, Global Expert Maintenance & Asset Management Petrochemical at BASF received the EFNMS European Maintenance Manager Award during the Award Night at the Euromaintenance 4.0 , Antwerp. The award acknowledges… read more →